“The Shawshank Redemption” (1994), “The Age of Pioneers” (2017), and “Green Book” (2018) are all films that captivate their audiences in different ways. From the drama and crime elements of “The Shawshank Redemption” to the historical and war elements of “The Age of Pioneers”, these films offer a unique and powerful experience. The biographical and comedy-drama elements of “Green Book” bring a lightheartedness to the mix while still touching on important themes. Each film tells a different story, but all three showcase the impact that cinema can have on our emotions, our understanding of the world, and our perspectives. So, buckle up, and be prepared to be taken on a journey through these three films. So, here we have listed the movies for the weekend that is totally relatable and you will surely enjoy watching them.
The Shawshank Redemption, 1994
Drama, Crime
We start our selection with a true cult film. A film based on a short story by Stephen King, which confidently occupies a leading position in the lists of the best films on the Kinopoisk and IMDb websites. This is the story of an innocent man sentenced to life in prison. The story of survival where it is almost impossible to survive. But the story of an escape from where no one has yet been able to escape. Must-see!
The Age of Pioneers, 2017
Historical, War
Time of the First” is a Russian historical film about the first spacewalk. But this is a story about real courage and superhuman efforts that were behind this important event in the history of the whole world. No one could even guess what Pavel Belyaev and Alexei Leonov were to face in flight, because everything did not go according to plan in this mission.
“Green Book”, 2018
Biographical, Comedy-Drama
For those who prefer to spend their weekends away from home, we advise you to go to the cinema to see the film “Green Book”. The picture already nominates for an Oscar in five categories and, in our opinion, it’s very well deserves! From the talented acting of the actors, goosebumps run down the skin, as well as from the very story of two completely different people who went on a joint tour. One is an intelligent black musician, and the other is a bouncer who cannot keep his mouth shut and use cutlery. but They had no idea what awaited them on this journey, but this tour will forever change the lives of both.
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