Two years ago, Tokyo Vice instantaneously became a sensation with its first season. Ansel Elgort, Ken Watanabe, and Rachel Keller take on key roles in both installments. The series is based on the events chronicled by Jake Adelstein in his book. In order to be successful journalist, he became the first American writer to have a job at a major Japanese newspaper.
The second season just wrapped up. We think that this follow-up was much better than its predecessor because it had already built such strong foundations for itself; there’s still so much story left to tell in another season — but will there be one?
After watching all of Season 2 and need to know if there will be a Season 3 like right now? Keep reading, we’ve got you covered.
What is ‘Tokyo Vice’ about?
Tokyo Vice centers around Jake Adelstein’s first encounter with Japan as an American journalist working abroad. A local detective named Hiroto Katagiri also plays a big part in the story. He has very strong morals and sees the Yakuza (Japanese crime gangs) as necessary evils. According to Katagiri they are completely untouchable hence why civilians should accommodate them.
Sato is a young member of one of Tokyo’s biggest gumis, the Chihara-kai. His humble background and high moral code impresses gumi boss Ishida greatly.
In addition to these characters being mainstays throughout both seasons there’s also Samantha,Eimi, Tozawa etc who occupy central roles within each respective season
We have extensive coverage about this show available here.
Has ‘Tokyo Vice’ been renewed for Season 3?
As things stand HBO hasn’t issued any official statement regarding whether or not they intend on making more episodes past Season 2 of their hit show “Tokyo Vice.” However while speaking recently during an interview JT Rogers indicated that discussions are ongoing about what could happen next
What do we know about ‘Tokyo Vice’ Season 3?
At this point in time there’s still no indication as to when Tokyo Vice S3 might premiere or even who will star in it. Given the positive reception from fans and critics alike we expect that HBO will want to keep it around for a while longer
If/when new episodes get released fans should probably anticipate something like 10 per season with each one running close to an hour apiece but until that becomes official our guess is as good as yours so stay tuned!
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