Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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When information began to appear a few years ago that Sony wanted to start milking the brand through animations in addition to its classic Spider-Man and its spin-offs, it did not cause much enthusiasm. Everyone somehow automatically expected a focus on children and a more or less useless sticker to the main series, which is simply created just to make money. However, the names of the producers and screenwriters raised hope. Although Phil Lord and Chris Miller did not succeed in the world of Star Wars, their Jump Street or the animated LEGO story and Cloudy, sometimes wheelbarrows showed that they have a hell of a lot of ideas. And after the animated Spidey, it’s evident that they’re nowhere near running out.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: PHOTO GALLERY

The start of Parallel Worlds might come as a bit of a shock to people who are into Spider-Man, because Peter Parker clears the field pretty quickly here. The main character is Miles Morales, a teenager from Brooklyn who is hot as hell, but he doesn’t get along very well with his dad and he’s not happy about ending up in a school where he doesn’t know anyone. He has nothing to do with Spidey. He knows that it exists, that it’s cool and that it’s cool and nothing else.

Then, of course, Miles gets bitten by a radioactive spider and begins the classic story of how he learns to live with new abilities, responsibilities and fight crime and… not really. It’s not quite a classic story, because several worlds have merged due to a dangerous experiment, and several Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse are running around New York. More or less weird. So why would the town need Miles, an inexperienced kid, which is not completely built on a hero? Simply because this city is his. And that he is in danger that even his more experienced colleagues from alternate universes may not be able to cope with.

So Spider-Man without Parker, without Aunt May and with new heroes? Yeah, but you definitely don’t have to worry about it. Miles Morales is not nearly as well-known here as his colleague, but he is a nice guy, so you start rooting for him very quickly, and the creators also count on the fact that they have to introduce him to the audience, so it comes to an honest origin and after about twenty minutes you will have everything clearly And you can start enjoying the comics ride, which is probably much better and more interesting than you ever expected. Parallel Worlds is not an anime for kids.

They will also enjoy it, but above all it is a self-confident and modernly told comic story, in which both action and humor work, as well as dramatic scenes and emotions. Narratively, it is an excellent piece of craft that can easily keep up with the best that has been created in the genre.

In addition, the creators are not afraid to go their own way and do not necessarily need to refer or be based on the live Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, all the references and winks are mainly there to make the fans happy. However, I never felt that Parallel Worlds needed to emphasize that the hero we know from Homecoming or the Sam Raimi films is running rampant in them.

There are new and unsung villains (usually ones that would seem a little out of place in live form), all six Spider-Heroes are interesting enough to keep you entertained for two hours, even if some of them only get a little space and the fact, the fact that we are in an anime gives the creators the opportunity to do things that would probably not work in the live version due to their overburnedness. And it’s not just about the approach to the story.

Spider-Man: Parallel Worlds uses its comic character to the maximum in how it looks. It is a fast and often aggressive spectacle, which several older people in the hall could not breathe and left the cinema after a few minutes. But I’m not going to mess around, I’m not surprised at them, towards the end I thought to myself that maybe it could slow down a little, because there was simply too much. In its uncompromisingness and murderous pace, it reminds the animated Spidey LEGO story, but fortunately, it is not so annoyingly scattered. However, we do not end there.

The visual stylization itself, characters, environment, editing and individual shots could not possibly be more comic. I won’t exaggerate when I say that there has probably never been a more visually comic-like film, and I’m really happy that the creators used all the possibilities that the animated genre offers here to the maximum.

Play the trailerI don’t want to say that this is the best Spider-Man movie ever, but let’s just say that if someone says that to me, I’m not going to argue with them. With Parallel Worlds, Sony managed to find a new way to tell comic stories, and “this” Spider-Man is ultimately a self-confident superhero adventure, after which you probably won’t start muttering that it’s just another attempt to milk the famous brand. You’ll be looking forward to the sequel, because this approach to comics obviously has a lot to offer and can appeal in a different way than feature films. And it looks damn good.

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