From the magical world of “Snow Queen” to the charming rural life in “Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka,” this collection of films offers a journey into different worlds and timeless tales. “Come See Me,” “Wizards,” and “Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!” explore themes of love, fate, and the power of magic, making for a truly captivating viewing experience. Whether you are a fan of fantasy, romance, or just great storytelling, this collection has something for everyone. but now we are talking about Frosty Tales Wonderland Classics
“Snow Queen” (2012)
Animation, Fantasy, Adventure
The good old fairy tale that we watched in childhood with bated breath. Sometimes it is just that that is so lacking in order to escape from adult problems and relive unforgettable emotions. The brave girl Gerda, who embarked on a dangerous adventure to save her brother Kai, knows how to inspire like no one else. Together with her, we will again fly on magical skis in the throne room and visit the lair of a small impudent, but such a vulnerable robber. And the majestic reindeer will take us to the ice palaces of the Snow Queen. And then she learns that no evil witchcraft is able to resist sincere warm feelings.
“The Night Before Christmas” (1961)
Drama, Fantasy, Romance
This wonderful fairy tale has already turned more than half a century old, and it still looks like the first time. You can’t imagine a better movie with a New Year’s mood. Why not watch again how the blacksmith Vakula cuts the starry sky on horseback, and the mustachioed pan Patsyuk masterfully eats dumplings with sour cream? Bright colorful characters seem to have descended from the pages of Gogol’s own Christmas story.
They will make you laugh to tears and help you grab the very feeling of a holiday that happens only in childhood. This movie can and should be watched by the whole family – fun is guaranteed for both children and adults.
“Return to Me” (2000)
Drama, Romance
What to do if, on the very eve of the New Year, your own hopelessly ill mother reports that she will soon be gone? Of course, to make her the happiest in the world. And although Tatyana is still hopelessly lonely, she is going to convince her mother that she has met the love of her life and has known the delights of motherhood herself. Even if for this you have to play a whole performance, and completely strangers will help her. A touching, sincere, warm picture with a slight shade of light sadness and an amazing cast.
“Wizards” (1982)
Animation, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Without exaggeration, the main Soviet New Year’s fairy tale for adults. There is everything that a real fairy tale is supposed to have here: loving hearts Alyonushka and Ivanushka, the insidious lover Sataneev, a sharp-tongued self-assembled tablecloth, a whole NUINU witchcraft institute for the production of magic wands, and even a rare, but aptly speaking cat. A light, cheerful, infinitely kind story, charged with faith in miracles and sparkling humor. And so that the New Year’s mood comes seriously and for a long time, just sing along with the brave, resilient girl Nina a catchy song about three white horses.
“Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!” (1975)
Comedy, Romance, Drama
It seems that without this film, the New Year will simply refuse to come. Under it, we cut the Olivier, finishing the replicas for the heroes. The cozy mess in apartment 12 on 3rd Stroiteley Street has long become familiar to us. And so still, every year on December 31, we watch with interest the kaleidoscope of events that swirl within its boundaries. Favorite characters that have sunk into the soul, the soulful music of Mikael Tariverdiev and the eternal “What a disgusting thing this is your jellied fish!”. Under this movie, gentle and lyrical toasts are born, and the New Year’s mood arises as if by magic.
But This list of films for the New Year’s mood is not exhausted – it can be continued indefinitely. Share in the comments your favorite films, without which the winter holidays are not holidays for you at all. Watch a good movie and celebrate the New Year with a magical mood!
It is interesting
Bollywood filmed their own version of “The Irony of Fate” and called this creation “I love the New Year.” Instead of Zhenya Lukashin, the unfortunate banker Sunny appears before the audience, and Nadia Sheveleva is replaced by the music teacher Kangana. Painfully familiar events unfold in one of the skyscrapers of New York, where the main character finds himself after a stormy friendly drinking bout in Mumbai. But This list of films for the New Year’s mood yet not exhausted. It can continue indefinitely.
Watch A Frosty Tales Wonderland Classics: A Collection For Winter For Free On Fmovies
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