A Brief History of The Future, Season 1

A Brief History of The Future

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“A Brief History of The Future”, the world today is tech-driven, and in one way or another we are all working so hard and getting more self-centered, which isn’t always good. Our digital connections are growing, but our inner divide is also widening. The aftermath of ignoring environmental issues are beginning to show themselves and it looks quite gloomy for the future. However, we no longer anticipate tomorrow with excitement; rather, we fear a dystopian future where nothing goes as planned.

However, it’s not all bad news but there is still hope that things can change for better. We should just make it our priority. This could be why famous futurist Ari Wallach came up with the documentary “A Brief History of the Future” to remind us that if we wish to do so, our mind can help shape our future for good.

The adventure started off by Ari Wallach who had gone out to explore nature as well as people’s thinking about it across various parts of the world. He went to places like Wales and Spain in Europe, Japan, China and India in Asia continent while Morocco was visited in Africa among other places even including his home country America. You will be enthralled by their root bridge tradition if you love everything future; they exemplify how close-knit they are with their ancestors and how much they thrive well within their natural ecosystems.

‘A Brief History of Future’ reveals how western culture tends to clash with nature particularly through technology. Some environmentalists would say the westerners overuse and misuse resources accusing them of greediness on consumption far beyond their needs . On the other hand those passionate about nature at times take what they need only for survival.

It is an open secret that some individuals do not care about conserving resources; therefore they keep damaging our planet without even knowing it. Take New Delhi – the capital city of India – which has become a pollution spot because of this habit among many other things happening there. The air there is so polluted that during winter, especially some days are truly no-go zones. This mayhem was brought about by materialism.

Everybody loves a car and some have more than one. Additionally, people also use air conditioners and fridges like they don’t even know when the coming day will be. As we increase the use of these gadgets more CFCs are released into atmosphere which exacerbates the situation for everyone.

Bren Smith, an authority on fish farming, says change must come before we push ourselves over the brink into catastrophe. He argues that by wiping out all forms of life in water bodies, we are going to kill marine ecology. Consequently, thousands of fishermen will be left without a source of income leading to collapse in economy. However, what is at stake here goes beyond jobs or wealth; it’s the loss of a way of life that has persisted for centuries.

The series shows how our world is being harmed by plastic. Did you know that there are about 250 million pounds worth of plastics floating around in the Pacific ocean? Ocean dwellers are not the only ones affected by this; everyone else is also directly impacted. Approximately 700 species are endangered due to plastic waste and some species might even disappear forever.

But this isn’t even the scary part because these plastics do also affect us They have far reaching implications on human health as well. These plastics disintegrate and release poisonous substances into things such as hot drinks. This means that almost three billion people who depend on fish as their most important source protein can be harmed.

Ian Bremmer, a political scientist believes that technology has brought about the biggest changes earth has ever witnessed within the last fifty years. Who would have thought about VR even just a few hundred years back? And thirty years ago nobody could imagine artificial intelligence reading news on TV screens as it was considered purely science fiction. But rapid development like this comes with negative consequences too.

It is breaking our mental health apart in bits and pieces People feel more tired, sad and worried than ever before—this feeling does not only occur among employees but can also be seen among students As mentioned earlier brought up aforementioned The documentary series doesn’t remind us only what we need to despairingly hear or see from it but also offers hope like Take Sado Islands Japan story for instance.

It demonstrates teamwork It shows how great things can be accomplished once people combine their efforts. When we work as a unit, more achievements are realized than when working alone. One Kodo artist puts it perfectly that you get motivated to do the same thing if you see someone giving 100% of themselves every day. Positive energy and team work of this kind definitely have an impact on tomorrow’s days.

When somebody tells us something is impossible, let’s remember that everything we possess today was considered unachievable previously By making the world better, no one should stop you. Success is what we want ,so all of us must be in tune together and care about the environment equally To bring changes in the society, individuals need to unite and form a team since one person cannot change the world alone.

So in summary A Brief History of The Future pushes us to become extraordinary ancestors that our great grandchildren would admire. This six-part show might be your best bet if you are a good person who likes protecting nature. Therefore, it deserves 7.5 out of 10 points.

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