Talk to Me Review

Talk To Me
Talk To Me
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There is a twist in this movie which is an exciting one when it comes to horror: possession. It has been directed by Danny and Michael Philippou, twin brothers whose first internet fame came from posting videos of stunts that bordered on the ridiculous using YouTube channel RackaRacka, hence it feels much more like a typical genre film than their professional debut might suggest. The director cleverly uses elements such as pacing and good visual detail – slight off-frame or defocused shots of characters shown, muted lighting, and invasively close camera angles – to establish a sense of unease. The sounds were equally effective as the silence created anxiety before the gentle build-up of audible voices, bangs, and thuds culminated in an extraordinarily shocking scene involving violence. But all these are nothing compared to Mia’s (Sophie Wilde) adolescence where she starts talking with spirits. So we are talking about the Talk to Me movie.

Rather than cheap jump scares, Talk to Me initially frightens through its suspenseful atmosphere. This is magnified through intelligent foreshadowing; for instance, if something goes wrong in the viral sensation that Mia’s classmates want involving conjured spirits and an embalmed hand then we can figure out how things will happen. On the other hand, there are subtle references that go beyond standard behavior expectations and show shades of a trauma that remains unresolved and which Wilde plays her role perfectly well capturing grief-stricken Mia superbly throughout the entire movie Heartbroken and somewhat detached from reality; Mia’s actions betray her desperate need to feel something again. Her withdrawn demeanor combined with desperate pleas for companionship highlights how loss can be both withdrawal into oneself as well as an outward yearning for human connection. She also effectively portrays both grieving teenagerhood alongside the addictive side of Talk To Me’s game.

Other members of the cast do not lag behind either. Alexandra Jensen and Joe Bird surely resemble a real sister and brother relationship. These two characters, Jade and Riley who are Mia’s closest friends, have a strong bond on the screen that is interesting to watch especially during a couple of important scenes when sibling rivalry shifts into genuine care. Miranda Otto- herself a familiar name in horror – surprisingly does not participate directly in or experience supernatural events as Sue (Riley and Jade’s mother).

Nevertheless, her performance as an overbearing parent remains an outstanding aspect here. In this case, Otto is able to use well timed jokes combined with realistic emotions so that her indifferent reaction towards tragedy comes across less harsh than it should; besides, she also shows another facet of grief that acts as relief against the backdrop of such darkness. Hayley played by Zoe Terakes is an extremely appealing rebel while Otis Dhanji gives a delicate performance as Jade’s boyfriend Daniel.

From Talk to Me is about the healing process while Escape through the euphoria provided by another addiction can sometimes lead to problems. This serves as an intelligent means of conveying the importance of such and thus, when this film ends on a predictable note of a malevolent ghost death scene there is still enough punch left in it. Whether it be underlying distress or outright terror, this movie has many features to enjoy however this may not sound interesting at all.

For the ones who have been devotees of horror for years, finding a new, genuinely scary film in the field is not an easy task. A good or bad movie to some fans is usually ascribed to how well it delivers on and/or subverts genre conventions; it’s more about having strong pictures that represent horror than personal feelings of fear leading to thrilling experiences. Talk to Me manages to terrify but may still put off hardened fans due to its minimalist approach to horror.

This is meant more to get under your skin than make you jump out of your seat, the Philippou brothers value terror with a few really impactful scares over nonstop shrieks and flying popcorn. Besides that, there are also impressive prosthetics and practical effects that make these ghosts appear fantastic. Slowly coming into focus like the crawling nightmares experienced during sleep paralysis, they are hard to look away from for most characters as they slowly come closer and closer.


Talk To Me’s innovative understanding of possession effectively portrays the struggle associated with loss and depression. It’s also full of frightening moments through the great use of sound, practical effects, well well-thought-out cinematography enabling one to feel dread throughout this whole film. All backed up by some truly standout performances – especially one from Sophie Wilde stands out. This lack of horror might be disappointing for those seeking jump scares or lots of bloodshedding though its minimalistic approach would rather keep its fans at bay. Nevertheless, most people will leave satisfied if somewhat shaken after watching it.

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