Must-Watch Erotic Foreign Films to Push Your Boundaries

Erotic Foreign Films
Must-Watch Erotic Foreign Films to Push Your Boundaries
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Erotic foreign films are the ones that have different genres and people always get excited about these types of movies. Here is a list of the must-watch erotic foreign films to push your boundaries and have an enjoyable time.

Sex and Lucia

2001 / Drama, Melodrama / Spain, France

The immensely erotic passages in the movie immediately made it a cult favourite, but the hero’s sad sense of loss permeates every single one of them. When you think back on love, it always seems more beautiful than it actually was, but if you still want to give it to someone, it will take a lot of work.

Love 3D

2015 / Melodrama, Drama / France

She departed, but why? How could he be without her? They were made for each other; they enjoyed perfect sex and wonderful love. Additionally, was it just him? For example, the protagonist navigates his recollections while being tormented by the memory of his body in an effort to deal with his life and bring his beloved back.

Il fiore delle mille e una notte

1974 / Drama, Fantasy, Comedy / France, Italy

Only adults were permitted to read oriental tales for many centuries, and it appears that only in the Soviet Union did all youngsters know them by heart. Although numerous fairy tales are depicted in such a precise cinematic language that even an adult spectator initially feels uneasy, this movie is not intended for children. Then, though, he surrenders to this flow of love and freedom, which European culture for a while appeared incapable of.


2001 / Drama, Melodrama / Spain, France, Great Britain, Germany

Unaware of one another, they meet every Wednesday and engage in sexual activity. Pure computation, without extraneous details. A date must fail at least once before questions pop into your thoughts, intrigue you, and prompt you to hunt for solutions. This poses a genuine risk as a result.


2006 / Melodrama, Drama / USA

Even telling the sensational sex scenes from this movie again would be awkward. Let’s just say that the authors unapologetically stress on one crucial point for them: all of the orgasms in the movie were real, not staged, as is typical in major motion pictures. Instead of sex, the characters’ and the viewer’s focus is on psychological and even mental issues that they are attempting to resolve.

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