Top 3 Movies That Leave a Lasting Impact

Movies That Leave an Impact
Top 3 Movies That Leave a Lasting Impact
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Get ready to experience deep emotions and captivation as we delve into the profound narratives of top 3 Movies That Leave an Impact. In “Million Dollar Baby” (2004), we witness the journey of a determined woman striving to defy all odds in pursuit of her boxing dreams. It unfolds a story of perseverance, sacrifice, and the power of the human spirit. “Silence” (2016) takes us on an emotional voyage alongside two Jesuit priests facing unimaginable challenges while spreading their faith in 17th-century Japan. It poses profound questions about faith, doubt, and the complexities of belief. Meanwhile, “Philadelphia” (1993) delves into the poignant tale of a man fighting against discrimination and injustice in the workplace due to his HIV-positive status. It sparking important discussions about societal prejudices and the fight for equality.

Million Dollar Baby (2004)

The Oscars smiled at this Clint Eastwood film, and it left not a single academic (and, of course, viewer) without tears in their eyes. The brilliant performances of Oscar winners Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman played a pivotal role in shaping this boxing story. Many consider it one of the best Clint Eastwood movies. The story follows an aspiring boxer desperately searching for a mentor to shine in the ring.

Silence (2016)

Adaptation of Shusaku Endo’s novel, this story set in the second half of the 17th century showed us a different (and ambitious) record in Martin Scorsese’s cinema. Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver star in this film. It portrays two young Portuguese Jesuits who embark on a journey to Japan to find their mentor. Rumours circulate about the renowned missionary Padre Ferreira, suggesting that he has renounced his faith. One of the best Martin Scorsese movies, although it depends on who you ask.

Philadelphia (1993)

Not content with the success of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’, Jonathan Demme made a triumphant return. It crafted one of the finest films of the 90s and, incidentally, one of the greatest LGTBIQ+ films in history. And despite the limitations imposed by Hollywood at the time. With her, Tom Hanks got his second Oscar for Best Actor, and Denzel Washington. Who signed one of his best films of him, was not far behind.

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