7 Good Films That Will Impress You For Sure

7 Good Films That Will Impress You For Sure
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Sometimes it is very difficult to find good films as there are many films available online of different genres and it becomes difficult to choose which is the perfect fit for the weekend or family. Here we have provided a list of good films that you will definitely love to watch.

Beautiful Boy


After reading the memoirs of David and Nick Sheff. The poignant drama was the inspiration for Director Felix van Groningen. This is about a parent’s acceptance of his child and his problem. David is a highly successful journalist who discovers that. One day, he finds that his son, Nick, is heavily addicted to drugs, specifically methamphetamine. From that moment on, a father’s struggle for his son begins. Along with a search for an answer to the question “why did this happen?” While doing interviews with people addicted to drugs.

I realized one simple thing. You can help a person only when he wants to help. No matter how much effort you put into pulling him out of this stupefying swamp. Also, people often start using and slip into addiction, filling their inner emptiness. And “Pretty Boy” only confirms this and emphasizes that even the most prosperous average family is not immune to the fact that their child will get hooked on drugs. This poignant drama was the result of inspiration from the memoirs of David and Nick Sheff. This is about a parent’s acceptance of his child and his problem. It is one of the good films in the history.

If Beale Street Could Talk


Beale Street is the street in New Orleans where Louis Armstrong, jazz, and every black American were born. This is the opening line of If Beale Street Could Talk. A picture not at all about jazz, although it is accompanied by beautiful music. The action takes place not in Orleans, but in Harlem in New York in the 1970s. The story centers on a couple, 19-year-old Tish and 22-year-old Fonny. Their childhood friendship gradually turns to love.

They make plans for the future and are completely oblivious to injustice and inequality. But their romantic fairy tale comes to an end when a racist policeman pins the crime of rape on Fonny. Arrest, no witnesses, Fonny is behind bars, and Tish finds out she’s pregnant… “Beale Street” was one of the top ten good films of 2018, according to the American Film Institute. And the way the story is visually presented deserves separate praise – warm and aesthetically pleasing. But if you still need an argument to see this film, here it is.

Barry Jenkins, director, and screenwriter, also directed “Moonlight,” which took the Oscar in 2017. Barry himself won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay then, and he’s among the nominees again this year.

First Reformed


The plot of this film revolves around the priest, Ernst Toller. Who is mourning his soldier son who died in the Iraq war? The hero’s religious beliefs got weaker after the loss of his son. It gets very difficult when Mary, a parishioner looking for support, comes into his life. Her husband, an ardent conservationist, forces her to have an abortion. He believes that giving life to a child in our deteriorating world simply makes no sense.

Director Paul Schroeder also said in an interview. He knew this was the movie he would walk toward for 50 years. And once he started working on the script, everything worked out. The cast also turned out well—Ethan Hawke and Amanda Seyfried played the main roles. The work of the former critics makes him one of the best in the actor’s career. Time magazine even put Hawke on the list of actors who especially shocked the audience with their performances last year.

The Favourite


Olivia Colman is an Oscar nominee and Golden Globe winner for her role as Queen Anne in The Favourite. That is also in the top spot. Queen Anne was the first monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Although, the last member of the Stuart dynasty, left no heir. The film is not a complete biography and shows only an episode of Anne’s reign. In order to reveal her relationship with her two minions. Sarah Marlborough and Abigail Hill became court ladies. The worse the queen’s relationship became with Sarah Marlborough. An ambitious woman who often puts pressure on the queen. The closer she became with Abigail, a cunning girl who dreamed of winning the title. Confirmed triangles have been proven by historians. Was it a love triangle? Not everyone agrees.

Although, of course, certain feelings are present here – at a minimum, obsession with power. Yorgos Lanthimos’ painting itself hits the viewer over the head all the time. One second you’re laughing with the buffoonish courtiers and their silly intrigues, the next you’re watching the heartbreaking suffering of the queen as she cradles 17 fluffy rabbits – living reminders of her 17 children who died in infancy or the womb. And if Coleman doesn’t win an Oscar for her performance, that would be the height of injustice, because even though the film is called “The Favourite,” it is she, the queen, who pulls the entire blanket of acting over herself.

Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot


Not many people know, but in the ’90s, actor Robin Williams asked director Gus Van Sant to make a movie about paralyzed cartoonist John Callahan. Twenty years later, the film did come out, but without Williams and the real-life prototype, who passed away in 2010. It is said that the quality level of the film can be checked by the way the supporting actors play: if they are on par with the lead actors, the films are definitely good. “Don’t worry, he won’t get far” is just one of those, because Jonah Hill is not the least bit inferior to Joaquin Phoenix.

The latter plays cartoonist John Callahan, who suffers from alcohol addiction. After an accident, John finds himself in a wheelchair and learns a new attitude to life and to get rid of his addictions. In this, he is helped by Hill’s character, Donny Green, host of the Alcoholics Anonymous Club. Critics note that the film is devoid of the standard clichés that are so inherent in biopics, and although the picture turned out to be quite sentimental, at the same time it is somehow very honest and motivating. So if you need a kick in the pants to help you stop souring, this is the movie to go for.

Green Book


“Green Book” is a biographical film, and it got that title because the characters were guided by a real-life guide to African-American-friendly places. And it’s one of the best pictures I’ve seen in a theater in the last few months. It’s a complete mix of everything that the thinking viewer likes: an interesting story, unforgettable acting by the lead actors, no-nonsense humor, social issues that are still relevant today, and music. This is the one that brings together Tony Vallelong’s bouncer and virtuoso pianist Don Shirley, who hires the former as a chauffeur to accompany him around the United States while on tour.

The whole thing is that the events of the film take place in 1962 when the racial question was still quite acute, and therefore, Shirley needed a driver with special “skills”. The main characters are played by Viggo Mortensen, who is nothing like his Aragorn from “Lord of the Rings”, and Mahershala Ali, also convincingly reincarnated as a pedantic musician for whom self-respect always comes first. Both actors received Oscar nominations, as did the film itself.

First Man


And it is another one of good biographical films. The title already makes it clear that we are talking about Neil Armstrong, the man whose foot was the first to set foot on the surface of the moon (well, if you still believe that people have been to the moon). Armstrong, experiencing with his wife the loss of a child. They all focus on the development of his career. That is completely absorbed in engineering calculations, training, and mission preparations.

Throughout the film, the viewer never leaves one thought. Great achievements are given, but at what a heavy price. And this applies both to those who implement them, and those who are close to the decision-makers. In this case, I’m talking about Armstrong’s wife, Janet Sharon, played by the wonderful Claire Foy. The main character is played by Ryan Gosling, for whom “Man on the Moon” was his second collaboration with director Damien Chazelle (“La La Land,” “Obsession”). Perfectionist Chazelle wanted to make the picture as visually believable as possible, because all the models of the ships were designed almost to scale, causing a lot of inconvenience to the actors because of the tightness.

All the performers in the roles of astronauts were even trained at NASA. And the music and sound in these amazing and good films are particularly enjoyable, as evidenced by their Golden Globe win and Oscar nomination.

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